Borrowing Library Materials
You will have to have a library account in order to borrow materials. Being an NWIC student or employee does not automatically create an account.
If you will be on campus:
Bring proof of ID and address into the library and fill out an application. We will enter the information into our system, then just give us your name when you want to borrow something
If you are remote:
Email the library with your name and address (and the citations for what you want to borrow) student or employee status will be confirmed, and materials will be mailed to you with return postage and address labels.
Loan Periods
Most materials check out for four weeks, with two renewals possible, (call, email, email, or in person) if no one is waiting.
Videos check out for three days, with a limit of three at a time.
If the Library Does Not Have What You Need
Contact the library! It may be possible to buy the material for the collection, or to borrow it from another library for you, a process called “interlibrary loan.” It does take some time, so plan ahead.